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MATH/PSAT/SAT - Free Academic Guidance
Math Master, a K-12 expert Tutoring and Test Preparation Service Learning Center, is helping New England students since 1998. Our students have done exceptionally well and have been admitted to excellent colleges all over the country. As a service to our community, currently we are offering a FREE ACADEMIC GUIDANCE to the parents of all K-12 students and urge all parents to take advantage of it through an appointment.

Programs offered by Math Master are given below:

For Elementary School Students (Grades K-4)
Learn and digest the basics of Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra and Geometry. Develop problem solving skills. Enhance in English Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing and General Science.

For Middle School Students (Grades 5-8)
Accelerate in the area of Arithmetic, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry. Continue developing the problem solving skills. Take CTY, SSAT/ISEE, SAT standardized tests in the area of Mathematics, Critical Reading and Writing.

For High School Students (Grades 9-12)
Time is ticking for College. Master the materials in the area of Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, AP-Calculus, AP-Statistics, SAT I Math and SAT II Math. Improve the PSAT/SAT test scores in the area of Mathematics, Critical Reading and Writing. Be confident and get into the college of your choice.

Date: 09/10/2006
Location: 21 SouthWest Cutoff, Northboro, MA 01532
Time: 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: (508) 393-9362

Web: http://www.mathmasteronline.com/
Email: budhinath@yahoo.com

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