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Screening of "Born Into Brothels" / SAHELI
"A tribute to the resiliency of childhood and the restorative power of art. “Born into Brothels” is a portrait of several unforgettable children who live in the red-light district of Calcutta where their mothers work as prostitutes. Zana Briski, a New York based photographer, gives cameras to these children and teaches them how to take pictures, simultaneously causing them to look at their world with new eyes. Together with Ross Kauffman, Briski captures the magical way in which beauty can be found in the most unlikely of places and how a bright and promising future becomes a possibility who previously had no future at all." -Synopsis from film producers, THINK FILM COMPANY, INC. 2005

Select Reviews of the Award-wining film:

"A documentary that changed the lives both of subjects and filmmakers, it will reorder the worldview of whoever sees it." -- Kenneth Turan, LOS ANGELES TIMES

"The specter of long odds and narrow choices shades every frame of the film, yet the tone is often buoyant and legitimately inspirational." -- Jessica Winter, VILLAGE VOICE

"It's an experience of soaring emotional highs and lows that makes the average Hollywood film look like the work of complacent fools." -- Ty Burr, BOSTON GLOBE

A follow up discussion on trafficking based on the movie with Anita Raj, Meena Hewett and Panelists from REACH.

Date: 05/14/2005
Location: Lahey Clinic Medical Center, 41 Mall Road, Burlington, MA
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Rita Shah 781.273.9752

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