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Holi Hangama / IAMV
5:30 PM Social Hour, Games, Snacks
7:00 PM Cultural Program
8:30 PM Gourmet Dinner
9:30 PM Dance with DJ

Date: 04/09/2005
Location: North Andover Middle School, N Andover, MA
Time: 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Cost: Adults: $20 (members), $10 (chilren above 5)
Nonmembers: Add $5

Contact: Sunita Malhotra at (978) 475-8413

Web: www.iamv.org
Directions: From 495 North: Take exit 43 for Mass Avenue, bear right at the end of the ramp, make a left on second light on 125 North. Turn left at the first light (Main Street). Middle school is on your left.

From 495 South: Take exit 43 for Mass Avenue. Carefully follow signs for Mass Avenue to the ramp. Turn left at the ramp on Mass Avenue. Make a left on second light on 125 North. Turn left at the first light (Main Street). Middle school is on your left.

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