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Sri Ramacharita Manasa Akhanda Parayana / Sri Lakshmi Temple
The 12th annual Sri Ramacharita Manasa Akhanda Parayana at Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland, MA will be held on Saturday, April 9, noon to Sunday, April 10, 1:00PM. All admirers of Sri Ramacharita Manasa and devotees of Sri Rama are invited to participate in the unique celebration of Spring and faith. Sri Ramacharita Manasa books will be available for reading and devotees can stay over at the Temple through the night to continue Parayana. A Hanuman celebration and procession will follow the reading and end with the distribution of prasada.

Date: 04/09/2005
Location: Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland, MA
Time: 12:00 pm onwards

Contact: Bijoy Misra (781-259-0029) or Prabhulal Rathi (617-232-4697) or Awadh Pandey (508-243-2726)

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