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Baisakhi Bhangra Party
Come join Milan as we celebrate the punjabi harvest festival Baisakhi with a 12 course authentic north indian dinner buffet and today's hottest Bhangra and Desi hits by the Millbury Boyz featuring London's finest, Dholi Rish. Ticket price includes dinner, soft drinks and entertainment. A cash bar is also available. This event has been sold out for the last three years so reservations are strongly recommended! Tickets will not be available at the door so call soon. Contact Nisha or Verinder Bawa at (508)-845-5300.

Date: 04/09/2005
Location: Milan Restaurant 889 Boston Turnpike Shrewsbury MA 01545
Time: 7:00 pm - 12:00 am

Cost: Family of 4 - $50 Adults - $15 Student/Senior - $10 Children Under 5 free

Contact: Nisha or Verinder Bawa (508)-845-5300

Web: www.milanbr.com
Directions: Please Visit our website for directions to the event.

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