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Nrityagram Dance Ensemble
Friday, April 29, 7pm Saturday, April 30, 8pm Sunday, May 1, 3pm $30 Zero Arrow Theatre Intersection of Arrow Street and Massachusetts Ave., Harvard Sq., Cambridge Reserved seating "One of the most luminous dance events of the year!" - New York Times Dressed in ornate costumes of flowing, colorful fabrics and silver jewelry, the Nrityagram Dance Ensemble uses an exacting and elaborate vocabulary of movement to tell stories based on ancient myths, folk tales and love ballads. From the outskirts of Bangalore in southern India, this world-renowned ensemble transports viewers to enchanted worlds of magic and spirituality with the sensuous flow of Odissi, the oldest of India's seven classical dance forms. Its sculptural poses and soft, curving body lines suggest ancient Hindu temple sculptures.

Date: 04/30/2005
Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: $30

Contact: Call World Music/CRASHarts (617) 876-4275 Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm Fax: 617-876-9170 Email: info@WorldMusic.org

Directions: http://www.worldmusic.org/directions_arrow.html

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