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Navaratri / Gurjar
Date: 10/23/2004
Location: Locke Middle School, Billerica, MA
Time: 8:00 pm

Cost: $6 for members/students, $8 for non-members

Contact: Bharat Shah (603-888-4029), Alkesh Shah (978-263-1036) or Eshani Shah (781-942-1690)

Web: www.gurjar.org
Directions: From 495: Take Rt. 3 south to exit 29 (Rt. 129) Turn right off the exit to go towards Billerica go straight until you hit a T, Turn right onto Boston Road (MA-129/MA-3A). Go straight on MA-3A South (Boston Road), come all the way to Billerica Mall (K-Mart on your left). At the end of the Mall is Friendly at the set of lights. Take a left at Friendly (no street sign). Go all the way to the end of road to a T-junction of Allen Road. Take a right onto Allen Road. Cyril Locke Middle School is about 1.5 mile on your left.

From Rt. 128N: Take exit 33B(MA-3A), stay right off the exit (go towards Burlington/Billerica). Continue on MA-3A north, 9th set of light is RT. 62 west. Pass this light; sign on left says Entering Billerica. Pass 3 Lights after entering Billerica (Jade Pacific Restaurant on the right and see Shell Gas Station) Take a right at Gas Station, its Allen Road. Drive 1.5 miles on Allen Road; the Cyril Locke Middle School is on your Right.

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