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Raaga-Taala: Indian Classical Dance and Music Evening: Classical Dance Performance
Featuring artists from New England and New York Pushpanjali - This is the first item done in a Bharatnatyam recital. The dancer pays obeisance to Lord Ganesha as he is beleived to be the remover of all obstacles. Dashavatara - This piece glorifies Lord Vishnu - the protector of the Universe. Here the ten incarnations of the Lord are portrayed. Bhajan - Tulsi Das praises the ever merciful Lord Rama and asks him to take away all his troubles and lead him on the right path. Thillana - the danceuse abandons herself purely to rhythm and movement. This item helps in creating a musical atmosphere and final crescendo of pure dance

Date: 06/27/2004
Time: 6:30 pm

Organized By: AID Boston

Cost: $10 for students $15 general admission

Contact: anand sivaraman 617 821 6229

Web: http://www.raagataala.org
Email: ansiv@mit.edu

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