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NEKK: Suvarna Mahotsava
People from all over Karnataka and beyond in the New England area are eagerly looking forward to a once in a lifetime 2-day extravaganza next weekend on 29th and 30th April at Ashland High School. The Mandaara New England Kannada Koota (NEKK) is set to celebrate its 50th anniversary “Suvarna Mahotsava”. NEKK was established in 1973 and is focused on charity and cultural purposes. It represents a large group of people from the state of Karnataka, India and other Kannada loving individuals in the New England area, and their rich culture, heritage and regional language.

Date: 04/30/2023
Location: Ashland High School, Ashland, MA
Time: All Day

Web: https://mandaara-sm.raisely.com/about

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