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Sonali Kulkarni's Whitelilly & Nightrider Play
Jay-Ho Presents Sonali Kulkarni's Whitelilly & Nightrider - BOSTON (Hindi) Man-woman relationships are continuously evolving and more so in today's time. Playwrights, Rasika Joshi & Milind Phatak have used humor to take a hard look at the increasing isolation that technology is imposing on singletons. “WhiteLilly & NightRider”, the chat pseudonyms of a man & a woman in their late 30’s, is a laugh riot based on the undertone of mismatched expectations. It promises to entertain the audience, while sowing the seeds of reflection on the changing times. Featuring: Sonali Kulkarni and Milind Phatak.

Date: 04/07/2023
Location: Collins Center of Performing Arts, 100 Shawsheen Rd, Andover, MA 01810
Time: 7:30 pm

Organized By: Jay-Ho!

Cost: $39

Contact: 3399271697

Web: Jay-Ho.Com
Email: Events@Jay-Ho.Com

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