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Folk Music Concert and Launch of an Album Single By Kiran Nath
Folk Concert with a difference…On Monday, Sept. 28th at 6:30 PM . Enjoy every minute with Music ,Dances and MORE… Wonderful singers to sing the melodies composed and written by Kiran Nath. Also release of a Punjabi Album Single by Randhir Jaiswal, Consul General of India ,New York. We are thankful to Puran Dang ji who will be opening the show and Sanjay Kaul for introducing the chief guest. The program will be emceed by none other than Parveen Minocha. The Performers with Kiran Nath are… Harish Dang, Anuradha Upneja, Pooja Tiwari, Mitali , Preetpal Singh, Parveen Minocha , Sanjay Jain and Kunal Nath.

Date: 09/28/2020
Location: Link to join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85299377804?pwd=WTlPU3hpazUwbFVrOWM2OS96Y2Y5Zz0
Time: 6:30 PM

Contact: 978 289 0452

Web: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85299377804?pwd=WTlPU3hpazUwbFVrOWM2OS96Y2Y5Zz09https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Email: indianfolkgroup@gmail.com

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