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Ambedkar Lecture Series:Intersectionality of Caste, Gender and Occupation
nline Zoom Event : Ambedkar Lecture Series Topic: Intersectionality of Caste, Gender and Occupation: A Study of Safai Karamchari women in Maharashtra Speaker: Dr. Hemangi Kadlak Join us on BSG Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2541577219 Meeting ID: 254 157 7219 Live Streaming on BSG youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsrw7g0y1PRGQqHZ2rcIE1Q More about Speaker - Dr. Hemangi Kadlak is from India. She did her Ph.D. from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. The Ph.D. topic was “Interface of Caste and Occupation: Case Studies of Children of Safaikarmacharis in Higher Education in Mumbai.” She also holds an MPhil in Social Work from Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Bharatidasan University on the topic “Status of Scavenger’s Children in Tiruchirappalli- An Empirical Study.” She did Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune. Her MSW research topic was “The Study of School Drop-out Girls in Slum- Pune City.” She completed her Bachelors in Sociology from Mumbai University. After her MSW, she worked at different NGOs, and she worked as a visiting faculty at Amity University, Mumbai and SNDT University, Santa Cruz, Mumbai. She presented her work within India and abroad. She has widely published issues of scavenger community, scavenger youth and education at several reputed journals and edited books both nationally and internationally. One of her papers on women safaikarmacharis has been kept for reading at IIM-A (Indian Institute of Social Sciences, Ahmedabad). She was selected for a student exchange program at Keel University, the UK, in 2013. She was selected for International Study Tour to Columbia University, the USA by Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on the 125 birth anniversary in 2015. She visited as an Independent Research Scholar to Global Center for Global Development and Sustainability (GDS) at Brandeis University, the USA in 2016. Dr. Hemangi founded an NGO, Infinidea Foundation, which works with disadvantaged children and youth by focusing on education and livelihood issues. Her main areas of interest include caste, women, children, youth, education, and leadership.

Date: 06/13/2020
Location: Join us on BSG Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2541577219 Meeting ID: 254 157 7219 Live Streamin
Time: 10 AM EDT

Organized By: Boston Study Group Inc

Cost: free

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