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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
World Yogashala provides a firm ground for the practical experience of various steps of yoga and imparts the skill to share the same with others through this 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India . The training covers all aspects of human existence: body-breath-mind-heart-soul, is imparted through various intense asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, yoga nidra, yogic purification processes, self-development techniques, and audio-video aid in a truly yogic environment by highly trained teachers. You will have a unique opportunity to experience and bring with you the holistic approach towards health, happiness and harmony within, without. Join Best Yoga Course From World Yogashala.

Date: 07/01/2020
Location: World Yogashala Tapovan, Rishikesh, India, 249192.
Time: 08:00 am

Organized By: World Yogashala

Cost: 849 usd

Contact: WhatsApp 24/7: (+91) 781 7066 686 Tapovan Rishikesh India 249192 worldyogashala@gmail.com

Web: https://worldyogashala.com/7204/200-hour-yoga-teacher-training-rishikesh/
Email: worldyogashala@gmail.com
Directions: Near Laxmanjulaa Rishikesh, India

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