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Shaping the Future / Pan-IIT
Building on the success of last year’s conference, the theme for the Second Annual East Coast PAN-IIT conference is “Shaping the Future – of IITs and IITians”. The program includes keynote addresses by industry leaders and distinguished alumni including:
· Dr. Raj Singh, Founder LCC International
· Dr. Vint Cerf, Executive VP MCI and “Father of the Internet”
· Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, Director, Brookhaven National Lab
· Sudhakar Shenoy, Chairman and CEO of IMC

IIT alumni have senior executive positions in the private sector and in the federal government. Local political luminaries will also participate:
· U.S. Senator George Allen, Virginia
· Rep. Tom Davis, Virginia

We kick off the event with a gala reception at the British Embassy on October 17. Like last year, this event offers outstanding networking opportunities. The Conference program includes sessions on
· Future of technology and business for IITs and IITians · Doing business with the federal government
· Mentoring for entrepreneurs

Date: 10/18/2003
Location: Marriott Renaissance, 999, Ninth Street NW, Washington DC
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m

Organized By: Capital IIT Alumni Association

Web: http://www.123signup.com/register?id=bfrn
Email: ajay@entrieva.com

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