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yoga teacher training in rishikesh India
This course has been specially designed to understand and experience Yoga in its full depth. Besides training you to be a yoga guru, this course will provide all the comprehensive knowledge about the proper asanas, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma. It will also provide you with the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, methodology, philosophy and much more. This course is not just a training program but will be a life-changing event.

Date: 01/28/2019
Location: Laxman squire,tapovan,Rishikesh,Himalaya,India
Time: all day

Organized By: Yoga

Cost: 12

Food: three vegetarian meals

Contact: Yogi Harish

Web: www.atriyogacenter.com
Email: rishiatri@gmail.com
Directions: This course has been specially designed to understand and experience Yoga in its full depth. Besides training you to be a yoga guru, this course will provide all the comprehensive knowledge about the proper asanas, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma. It will also provide you with the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, methodology, philosophy and much more. This course is not just a training program but will be a life-changing event.

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