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Art for Social Change: Talk and Film with Nandita Das
Join MIT-India, the MIT School of Engineering and the Office of the Associate Provost for this exciting event: 5:00 Talk by Nandita Das: Art for Social Change 5:30: Screening of her film, Manto followed by a Q&A Manto follows the life of maverick writer Saadat Hasan Manto and the two countries he inhabited - India and Pakistan. Set during the Independence of India that led to the Partition, Manto is compelled to make a difficult choice of leaving his beloved Bombay for the newly born Pakistan. Nandita Das is an actor, filmmaker and social advocate. Manto premiered at Cannes and is her second directorial feature, after Firaqq. She will share why she chose to tell the story of Manto and the difficulties of making an independent film in the mainstreem film landscape. Open to the public. RSVP at mantomit.eventbrite.com

Date: 03/11/2019
Location: MIT Stata Center (32-123) 32 Vassar St. Cambridge, MA
Time: 5:00pm

Organized By: MIT-India

Web: http://mantomit.eventbrite.com

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