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HONOUR: Confessions of a Mumbai Courtesan
THEATRE: Award-winning actress Dipti Mehta’s acclaimed solo show HONOUR: Confessions of a Mumbai Courtesan visits India’s red light district where we meet the eunuch, priest, pimp, mother and daughter who call it home. A fun and poignant look at the dangerous life of Mumbai’s real-life brothels and why they exist. Honour is a deeply moving coming of age story of a girl in a brothel. Paired with ApneAap, an organization dedicated to ending the sex trade in India, HONOUR depicts a child's life pushed to the brink. Will she escape her circumstances and fate?

Date: 10/07/2017
Location: Larcom Theatre 13 Wallis Street Downtown Beverly, MA 01915
Time: 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM

Organized By: Larcom Theatre

Cost: $22 to 29 dollars

Contact: Lisa or Donnie at 978-922-6313

Web: https://www.thelarcom.org/honour
Email: info@thelarcom.org
Directions: From Boston 128North, take exit 22 toward MA-62 E/Elliott St. It is a 5-miniute walk from the Beverly Depot commuter rail stop.

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