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Snake and Ladder - a dance theater by Aparna Sindhoor, SM Raju and Anil Natyaveda
SINDHOOR/NATYAVEDA-Navarasa Dance Theater perform their newest production SNAKE AND LADDER at Wellesley College Navarasa Dance Theater's innovative classical and contemporary work roots itself in Indian performing arts yet reaches out to audiences all around the world. Snake and Ladder shows how the healing power of art helps us survive tragedies and bring us hope. A prince suffering from PTSD challenges Death to a game of Snakes and Ladders, while an artist uses his art to evade Death. Based on Ingmar Bergman's classic film, The Seventh Seal, Dr. Aparna Sindhoor and Anil Natyaveda's choreography, set to an original score, contemplates death and war but leaves us with a feeling of hope and redemption. Featuring artists from across the U.S., this one-time, unmissable show is free and open to all, thanks to the generous support of the Treves Fund, the Newhouse Center for the Humanities, the South Asia Studies program, and the departments of Sociology, Art, Theater, and Women's and Gender Studies at Wellesley College. Written by: S M Raju Music by: Isaac Thomas Kottukapally http://www.wellesley.edu/events/node/124146#qbhy5C7XGvVMHqE1.97

Date: 09/23/2017
Location: Alumni Hall Auditorium Wellesley College
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Cost: FREE

Contact: Prof. Smitha Radhakrishnan: smitha.radhakrishnan@wellesley.edu

Web: http://www.wellesley.edu/events/node/124146#qbhy5C7XGvVMHqE1.97
Email: smitha.radhakrishnan@wellesley.edu
Directions: 106 Central St, Wellesley, MA 02481

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