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Lasandhi Dance Theater
Tara Ahmed's Lasandhi Dance Theater will perform at JACOB'S PILLOW Inside/Out on Friday, August 15th at 6:30 pm in Beckett, MA. FREE to public. (www.jacobspillow.org)

"wit, grace and raw power...it was Indian-inspired dance and the driving drum music from the Boston group Lasandhi that blew everyone away." Providence Journal

Lasandhi fuses the ancient and the contemporary in a dynamic blend of Asian cultures and disciplines. The dancers merge classical Indian dance with West African and Modern dance, Taiko drumming and Indian martial arts. Original choreography is accompanied by Indian melodic musicians and Japanese and Middle Eastern percussionists.

Date: 08/15/2003
Location: JACOBS PILLOW, Beckett, MA
Time: 6:30 pm

Cost: Free

Web: www.jacobspillow.org
Directions: DIRECTIONS TO JACOBS PILLOW FROM BOSTON (travel time: approximately 2 1/2 hours) Mass Turnpike West towards Albany to Exit 2 (Lee/Pittsfield, MA) Left onto Route 20 East Approximately 8 2/10 miles east on Route 20, make a left on George Carter Road. Travel 6/10 of a mile and make a right into the entrance of Jacobs Pillow.

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