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Sri Viswayogi Viswamji Maharaj
His Holiness Sri Viswayogi Viswamji Maharaj incarnation of Parama Guru Lord Dattatreya belongs to the Guru Parampara of Shirdi SaiBaba and Sathya SaiBaba. A discourse on Enlightening Human values for Universal Integration & Peace.

Date: 08/17/2003
Location: Saadhu Vaaswani Center, 1827 Bridge StreetDracut, MA
Time: 4:30 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Rajesh Cherukupalli 978-251-1465

Web: www.viswaguru.com
Directions: Directions from I-93 N/S: Take Exit for Rt. 495 South, Take Exit 38 for Rt. 38 North ,Travel approx. 5-6 miles on Rt. 38 North, at Rotary go about ¾ of the circle and stay on Rt. 38 North, take right at traffic light (Dunkin Donuts on right), Pass sign entering Dracut , Go straight next traffic light (Wendys on right), stay on Rt. 38 North, Go for 1 mile (pass another Dunkin Donuts on right), About 300 feet further up, turn right into driveway at blue sign board. This is 1827 Bridge St. (across from Bridge Wood Plaza)

Directions from I-95 & Rt. 128 N/S:, Take Exit 32A for Rt. 3 North, Take Exit 30 for Rt. 495 North, Take Exit 38 for Rt. 38 North, Travel approx. 5-6 miles on Rt. 38 North, at Rotary go about ¾ of the circle and stay on Rt. 38 North, take right at traffic light (Dunkin Donuts on right), Pass Entering Dracut sign, Go straight next traffic light (Wendys on right), stay on Rt. 38 North, Go for 1 mile (pass another Dunkin Donuts on right), About 300 feet further up, turn right into driveway at blue sign board., This is 1827 Bridge St. (across from Bridge Wood Plaza)

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