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Summer Cruise
The Sindhi Association of New England is once again taking the Summer Party to the Seas and you are invited. This year's annual Summer Cruise is Saturday, August 23rd. Tickets are going fast so hurry up and book your spot for the fun ride. Bring your friends, family, neighbors or colleagues, all we require is a party face and the summer spirit. The cruise would have something for everyone. A sneak peek - Crazy Shirt contest - Dig your closet for your wackiest attire Hole in One contest - Mini Golf on High Seas! Antaakshari - Yes, black and white movie tunes are allowed Bingo - Full House is really going to be large Kid Zone - Balloons, Face Painting and Magic Music, Dance, Food and a whole lot more We received unprecedented requests for repeating the Cruise that we had last year. So here it is. We have booked a boat that is much larger and nicer than last year. Date: Saturday, August 23rd, 2003 Boarding Time: 2:30 p.m. Departing from: Boston Harbor Tickets: Members: $20 for adults, $10 for students and children under 5 are free. Non-members: $25 for adults, $15 for students and children under 5 are free. The deadline for purchasing the tickets at the reduced rates is August 8th. Seats are limited. Please RSVP to sane2002@comcast.net (with the count of adults, students and children under 5). Make checks payable to S.A.N.E. Our mailing address is SANE 10 Ellsworth Rd. Andover MA 01810 (978) 686 3232

Date: 08/23/2003
Location: Boston Harbor
Time: 2:30 p.m.

Cost: Members: $20 for adults, $10 for students and children under 5 are free. Non-members: $25 for adults, $15 for students and children under 5 are free.

Contact: Rajesh Tekchandani 978.686.9992

Email: sane2002@comcast.net

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