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Annual Picnic and Inter-IIT Alumni Sports Meet
1pm-2pm: Meet, greet and strategize for the Inter-IIT Sports Meet
2pm-3pm: The first round of Bridge, Penalty Kick Soccer and Whiffle ball begins.

All games will be played on a knock-out basis.
Children : Spoon race, Painting Competition and Magic show.

3pm-4pm: We will kick it up a notch with Ultimate Frisbee and Carrom Boards.
4pm-4:30: Time to cool down a bit with some cul-events like DumbC and Pictionary
4:30pm - 5:30pm: Grub r' there
5:30pm - 6pm: Awards distribution / Vote of thanks

10 points will be awarded to your team for winning any one of the above events.
5 points for a second place finish.
3 points for a third place finish
20 points will be awarded to the IIT with the maximum registrations for the event.
The award for the best IIT will be decided on the basis of these points.

Date: 08/16/2003
Location: Artesani Park
Time: 1:00 pm

Organized By: Gajendra Circle

Cost: Entry Fee is $20 for a single person, $35 for a couple and $40 for a family with children over 3 (under 3 is free). However, you could avail of Pre-Event Special Pricing and SAVE (Special Pricing: $15 for single, $25 for a couple and $30 for a family) by making the payment NOW!

Contact: To register: http://www.gajendracircle.com/

Web: http://www.gajendracircle.com/
Email: gajendracircle@gajendracircle.com

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