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A Day in the Life of a Pakistani Hindu
In honor of International Human Rights Day, the Hindu American Foundation is proud to announce a series of exciting events in the Boston area on Thursday, December 8 and Saturday, December 10; featuring two leaders - Sanjesh Dhanja and Kiran Kumari - from the esteemed organization Pakistan Hindu Seva Welfare Trust (PHS).

Sanjesh and Kiran are traveling throughout the United States in an effort to bring awareness of the daily struggles of Hindus living in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. They will share their stories of fending off kidnappers targeting young Hindu girls, advocating for groundbreaking legislation granting enfranchisement to bonded laborers, and joining all religious and social minorities in their quest to be treated as equal citizens of their country.

Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Sanjesh Dhanja is the founder and president of PHS, based in Karachi. As a member of Pakistan’s minority Hindu community, Sanjesh became motivated to create an organization whose mission is to work and advocate for equal rights of all citizens of the country.

Kiran Kumari has served as the General Secretary of PHS since 2015. She has vast experience investigating forced conversions cases and leads the organization’s advocacy efforts for freedom of speech, women’s rights, and access to healthcare and education for all of Pakistan’s citizens.

This event will also feature segments of the riveting documentary featuring the work of PHS in assisting families of kidnapped young Hindu women, Thrust into Heaven, a film produced by BEING IN THE WORLD Productions based in Germany.

Date: 12/08/2016
Location: MIT (Building 5 Room 134), 55 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Time: 7:30 pm

Web: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScFkZ4PlfOXyX9D14xsYG0WVV_Ev0k8xsPysQuRMydBUlCKSg/viewform?
Email: pawan@hafsite.org

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