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CRY Boston 5km Walk/Run for Child Rights
CRY America's Boston Chapter is very excited to host our annual CRY Walk for Child Rights. Join us as we take a step forward for underprivileged children and help to create opportunities so that they can fulfill their dreams! Millions of children are deprived of what we believe are their basic rights - to survival, to development, to protection, and to participation. This event will bring hundreds of individuals together with the belief that 'change is possible, because we will make it possible'. The event provides a platform for people of all ages to come together and join the child rights movement. Walk or run 2.5 km or 5 km along the beautiful Chestnut Hill Reservoir Trail. REGISTRATION: Adult $20 (or $150 in pledges) Student $12 Children Free (under 12) Family of 4 $50 Team of 10 $120 (or $1200 in pledges) For questions/volunteer information/sponsor inquiry, contact: ysanjay@bu.edu

Date: 09/24/2016
Location: Chestnut Hill Reservoir Trail, 2400 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02467
Time: 9am

Organized By: Child Rights and You, America

Cost: $12-20 per person

Food: Included with Registration

Contact: Sanjay Yengul

Web: http://bit.ly/29l8hfq
Email: ysanjay@bu.edu
Directions: Can drive to the address above, or take the Green-line trains (B, C, D lines) to Cleveland Circle junction.

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