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Yoga Retreat with Shatkarmas and Chakra Sadhana
Enjoy a weekend yoga retreat (both Saturday and Sunday) while learning six cleansing practices from ancient science of yoga and how they can be used for improving our physical and mental health. Participants will be invited to practice at least two of the shatkarmas under expert supervision. Shatkarmas will be weaved-in with detailed information on the anatomy and physiology of our subtle energy system. The science of Kundalini and Chakras will be discussed and practiced. This weekend retreat is a part of 100-hour RxRelax Therapeutic Yoga training for healthcare professionals and caregivers.

Date: 02/21/2016
Location: Elliot Hospital
Time: 8 am to 6 pm

Organized By: RxRelax, LLC

Contact: Terry Gupta @ 603-674-3770

Web: http://RxRelax.com/yoga-certification
Email: rxrelax@live.com

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