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Testosteorne Propionate 100mg/ml Oil Injectable Steroids ( Skype: agneschem)
Testosteorne Propionate 100mg/ml Oil Injectable Steroids ( Skype: agneschem) ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Testosterone propionate Testosterone propionate is an oil based steroid with an propionate ester which will cause the steroid to be released from the injection site over the duration of a few days. This is different then the likes of testosterone enanthate which is much more slow acting compared to the propionate ester, which requires much more frequent injections to make sure blood concentrations remain stable. Injections every day, or every other day is the normal practice with testosterone propionate. The greater volume of injections needed when using testosterone propionate is not likeable for some users, either because of their circumstances, or because of the build up of scar tissue and therefore the need for more injection sites to rotate to avoid scar tissue build up. Testosterone propionate can be also a sore shot, and result in fever like symptoms for a couple of days. Some UG labs have starting producing 200mg/ml which has brought about some users experiencing very painful shots. Propionate is less soluble and therefore greater amounts of alcohol content will be present in the higher concentrations. Some users have found it more tolerable to mix the shot with another compound to dilute the mixture, and hopefully minimise the pain. We can supply high quality injectable steroids as below. You only need to filter oils, then it is ready to inject and sell. Everything is provided here to help you build the own brand. Email: agnes@pharmade.com Skype: agneschem Website: http://www.muscle-steroid.com/ Test prop 100mg/ml Test e 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml 500mg/ml Test cyp 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml Sustanon 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml Deca 200mg/ml 250mg/ml Equipoise 200mg/ml 300mg/ml Tren ace 100mg/ml 200mg/ml Tren en 100mg/ml 200mg/ml Masteron 100mg/ml 150mg/ml Winstrol 50mg/ml Primobolone 100mg/ml Supertest 450mg/ml Anomass 400mg/ml Ripex 225mg/ml Tritren 180mg/ml Tri Test 300mg/ml Tri Deca 300mg/ml Test Blend 450mg/ml Test Blend 500mg/ml Nandro Test 225mg/ml Mass 500mg/ml Cut Depot 400mg/ml Tren Test 225mg/ml Nandro Test Depot 450mg/ml Equi Test 450mg/ml Rip Cut 175mg/ml Tren Test Depot 450mg/ml

Date: 12/21/2015
Web: www.muscle-steroid.com
Email: agnes@pharmade.com

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