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YOGA for Diabetes - Dr, Nagendra
Please NOTE the Changes: Early Bird Offer: Enroll Before Sept 30th for $111/- ************ Dr. H R Nagendraji - Chancellor of sVYASA YOGA University will present a talk on this very Subject matter of YOGA for Diabetes.******** Venue: SATSANG Center One Pleasant St. Woburn MA **********Time: 2 PM SUNDAY September 28, 2014 ***************** Please use the Winn Street Entrance to Basement - Dining Area. Do Not go through the front Entrance as The Akhand Japa - Meditation will be going on in the Mandir Hall...****************** Please spread the word to your Family and Friends. Thank you!

Date: 09/28/2014
Location: SATSANG Center One Pleasant street WOBURN MA
Time: 2 PM

Organized By: SATSANG Center

Cost: Voluntary Contribution

Food: Tea - Light Refreshment

Contact: Sudhir 603-623-1930

Web: satsangcenter1.com
Email: satsangcenter1@ yahoo.com

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