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Shivratri, Discover the Truth, the Benevolent and Beautiful One
When people are in an extreme state of doubt or despair they often look to a Higher Source for comfort and direction. God is known as the Truth, the Benevolent One - remembered and revered in so many ways. If we took a peek at God's biography, what would it reveal?

We warmly invite you to this special program, inspired by the Indian holiday, Maha Shivratri. Through music, reflection and sharing join us on a journey to discover the Truth, the Benevolent and the Beautiful One.

Date: 03/08/2014
Location: IAB Center 17 Nichols Ave Watertown, MA 02472
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Organized By: Brahmakumaris

Cost: Free

Food: Free of charge

Contact: RSVP (617) 926-1230

Web: www.bkboston.org
Email: boston@us.brahmakumaris.org

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