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Perform to Your Potential - Discourse by H.H. Swami Tejomayananda
H.H. Swami Tejomayananda is world-wide head of Chinmaya Mission. Affectionately called as Guruji, he is a world-renowned exponent on Hindu scriptures, including Ramayan, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and the Upanishads. He is an outstanding teacher of Vedanta with a profound depth beneath his simplicity and humility. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to listen to Guruji expound key success factors in the performance to our actions to achieve long lasting happiness.

Seating by 9:45 AM
Devotional program - 10 AM
Talk by Guruji - 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Babysitting available for children under 14 in the social room.

Date: 07/20/2013
Location: Congregation Bnai Shalom 117 E Main Street, Westborough, MA - 01581
Time: 9:30 am

Cost: Free

Food: Prasad will be served after the talk.

Contact: cmb.metrowest@gmail.com

Web: www.chinmaya-boston.com/metro-west
Email: cmb.metrowest@gmail.com

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