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Heal the Hurt
2nd International Conference on Integrative Medicine: Role of Yoga and Ayurveda Theme:Role of Yoga and Ayurveda in Pain and Addiction Management Pain management has become a major challenge for the health care provider communities as well as for thousands or patients. On one hand pain has increased in various areas – from Rheumatoid Arthritis to Cancer to sports medicine. Usage of Opioid has significantly increased in last one decade. However, it has become a challenge as well in the form of drug overdose and abuse. Yoga and Ayurveda offers extremely effective and cheap solutions to these challenges - both in the area pain and addiction management. Researchers, experts, practitioners and policy makers are coming together from across the world. It also offers CPD/CME/CEU Credits.

Date: 05/21/2017
Location: LOCATION Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur Bosto
Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Contact: Kanchan Banerjee forkanchan@gmail.com (617) 306-6609

Web: For details visit: http://indoushealth.com/2017-conference/
Email: forkanchan@gmail.com

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