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Hindi Manch Sahitya Sammelan
New England Hindi Manch presents - Hindi Sahitya Sammelan 2016. This will be fun filled event, with songs, shayri, kavita, and two small plays (natak). All performed by local artistes and poets. Come and enjoy a great evening with friends and family. These are light comedy plays, Lailaaj Ilaaz and Grihdasha ki Dasha. As always, we promise you a terrific event. Please come and support us to keep our language and traditions alive.

Date: 12/18/2016
Location: Thoreau School Auditorium, 29 Prarie Street, Concord, MA
Time: 4:00 pm

Organized By: New England Hindi Manch

Cost: $20

Food: $5. per plate

Contact: Ali Rizvi-973-220-2713

Web: www.hindimanch.org
Email: info@hindimanch.org

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