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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150mg/ml NPP Painless Oil Steroids ( Skype: agneschem)
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150mg/ml NPP Painless Oil Steroids ( Skype: agneschem) STEROID NAMES: Durabol, Nandrolone, Nandrolone Phenypropionate, Durobolic, Phenylprop 50, Durobolic Injection, Durobolic 100, Nandone PE Injection, Durabol Inject ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Nandrolone phenylpropionate NPP is administered in injectable form.NPP’s calling card is its ability to build mass & strength without initiating severe androgenic side effects. Sure, one could choose to skip NPP altogether and instead blast large dosages of testosterone in their pursuit of muscle mass…and save money doing it…but for the many individuals who need to consider the appearance of their hair and skin, that course of action in not an option. Enter NPP. Nandrolone can be used in place of testosterone (although a replacement dose of test is wise, in order to avoid sexual dysfunction), permitting the user to attain a formidable degree of muscle mass…and save their hair and skin while doing it. In fact, many people claim that NPP is the more effective muscle-builder, when compared on a mg to mg basis. Only experience can provide you with that answer, as personal response to AAS can vary widely. Unlike testosterone, which often leads to mental and/or emotional changes, NPP is typically neutral in this regard, which again, can either be viewed as an advantage or disadvantage depending on one’s goals. When trying to determine whether you should include Deca or NPP in your next cycle, there are 4 primary factors you will need to evaluate when making your decision. They are money, water retention, sexual dysfunction, and injection frequency. Deca is no doubt the more cost-effective option, as a 2.5 gram vial of Deca will typically cost about as much as a 1 gram vial of NPP. Deca also has the advantage of a less frequent injection frequency. However, NPP does not cause nearly as much water retention, nor is it as prone to cause sexual dysfunction at equivalent dosages. Aside from these differentiating characteristics, they are very similar in nature. NPP is commonly dosed between 300-1,000 mg per week for a period of 8-16 weeks in length. If one is using NPP solely for the alleviation of joint discomfort, a dose of 200-300 mg per week will usually suffice.Normally it is injected every other day to 3X per week We can supply high quality injectable steroids as below. You only need to filter oils, then it is ready to inject and sell. Everything is provided here to help you build the own brand. Email: agnes@pharmade.com Skype: agneschem Website: http://www.muscle-steroid.com/ Test prop 100mg/ml Test e 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml 500mg/ml Test cyp 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml Sustanon 200mg/ml 250mg/ml 300mg/ml 400mg/ml Deca 200mg/ml 250mg/ml Equipoise 200mg/ml 300mg/ml Tren ace 100mg/ml 200mg/ml Tren en 100mg/ml 200mg/ml Masteron 100mg/ml 150mg/ml Winstrol 50mg/ml Primobolone 100mg/ml Supertest 450mg/ml Anomass 400mg/ml Ripex 225mg/ml Tritren 180mg/ml Tri Test 300mg/ml Tri Deca 300mg/ml Test Blend 450mg/ml Test Blend 500mg/ml Nandro Test 225mg/ml Mass 500mg/ml Cut Depot 400mg/ml Tren Test 225mg/ml Nandro Test Depot 450mg/ml Equi Test 450mg/ml Rip Cut 175mg/ml Tren Test Depot 450mg/ml

Date: 12/21/2015
Web: www.muscle-steroid.com
Email: agnes@pharmade.com

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