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Swaraag Auditions: 2015 Bollywood Music & Dance Competition
SWARAAG 2015 Auditions for Bollywood Music & Dance Competition in Categories: Solo Song | Solo Dance | Duo Dance | Spot Choreography | Group Dance | Song Lyrics. Rules and details at www.SwaRaag.org

To Participate in the Competition REGISTER NOW at www.SwaRaag.org OR email bollywood@SwaRaag.org

LIKE us on FaceBook and learn more: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swaraag/591212070931283

SwaRaag Performing Arts, Inc. (SPA) is a non-profit organization involved in propelling the Arts with an aim to bring about high level entertainment providing a professionally engaging platform for artists in the performing arts where quality, grandeur and presentation hold strong!

Date: 11/01/2015
Location: Sheraton Hotel, Framingham, MA
Time: 9:00 am

Cost: Audition Registration fee if any shall be shared over email.

Contact: Swathi Subramanian 617.905.4305

Web: www.SwaRaag.org
Email: info@SwaRaag.org

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