Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Ajey Pandey 07/16/2013
The Zimmerman verdict is blowing up. On this one reddit thread alone, there are over 18,000 comments, as of the time I am writing this. There are protests all over the country. The media is (as always) stirring up a firestorm; I witnessed two pundits on CNN get into a yelling match “discussing†the verdict.
A lot of people are making quite the noise about how George Zimmerman is a racist murderer deserving of a death sentence. Many of the same people argue that justice has not been not served and/or that the court is inherently racist.
These people do not understand the value of facts. They are basing their arguments based on speculation, not the actual evidence.
The fact of the matter is, there is very little solid proof that Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin - or that Martin attacked Zimmerman. There is a 911 call with an unidentifiable scream, the words of a few people who weren’t at the scene, and Zimmerman’s testimony. The only person other than Zimmerman with anything worth testifying is a dead 17-year-old. No one can prove anything - not beyond reasonable doubt.
And in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.
If someone wants to argue that George Zimmerman definitely, beyond doubt, shot Trayvon Martin for no reason, I dare them to prove what a professional lawyer could not. If they want to claim that a government conspiracy is the reason Florida’s top prosecutor refused to take this case, they can show some definitive proof. And if they want to contest the Stand Your Ground law, they can talk about the legislature, because they write the laws, not the court.
Yes, in the Trayvon Martin case, the court was cold and heartless - as it should be. The judicial system is supposed to follow facts. Not mobs. Not crying families. Not hotheads on TV. Facts. And that is what happened here.
Now, if only CNN would do the same.
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