Humor- Legendary Lovers Laila Majnu Set Out To The Big Apple
Nirmala Garimella 02/10/2003
Laila and Majnu, the world’s greatest lovers are on a trip to the land of opportunity, AMERICA. After having boarded the CUPID AIRLINES, they have landed at LaGuardia Airport in New York where they are met with no other than famous SNL cast member Chris Kattan
Majnu to Laila, “Honey, Sweetheart, we have landed on the BIG APPLE. Isn’t it exciting?"
Laila looking pointedly at her curvaceous body “What do you mean calling me honey. Don’t you see I am made of Desi Ghee, Jaan?" And why is it called the BIG APPLE. Is this where Adam tempted Eve?
SNL's Chris meets them with a garland of flowers instead of the bouquet. When he tries to garland Laila, Majnu snatches it from his hand and puts it lovingly around Laila’s Neck.
Chris : Welcome, welcome, I am so glad you are here. How do you like New York. It is a great place for Lovers.
Laila “ Do you think we can see Romeo and Juliet and Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks here.
SNL Host: I am not sure whether Romeo and Juliet are playing in Broadway right now. I shall check for you. What about you. What have you two been doing in India?
Majnu: ”Oh just running around trees and what did you say 'Playing in Broadway'. What is that. In India we only play in the great Bollywood.
Laila, demurely: “And also sing lots and lots of songs.
SNL Chris: I see Just like N Sync.
Majnu: Not NSYNC, but LIPSYNC, Lipsync, see like this, and open and closes her painted lips like a duck.
Very soon the two are driven to the Times Square Hotel Marriott Marquis and escorted to their room.
Laila to Majnu, while unpacking: Jaan, “Do you remember our famous duet Koi Pathar Se na Maare Mere diwane ko” and people would throw coins at the screen. Do you think they throw coins here in theatres like they do in India?
I would love it if they do. At least they will be in US currency and we can gather all this later, says capricious Majnu. Scene 2
Today we present the greatest lovers every born, LAILA AND MAJNU
SNL host to Laila
Chris: Can I ask you a few questions?
Laila: (Coquettish) I love SNL.
Thank you, you are so gracious. Can you tell us about what you like about this city?
Laila: (smiling sweetly) I love SNL.
Can you tell us if you have watched our show before?
Laila: (pouting her lips) I love SNL.
Oh, how about this “Do you think that Bush should stage a war with Iraq?"
Laila: (doing an attami): I love SNL
Wow, you are a great advertisement for us. We would love you to be permanent on SNL
Host gives Laila a hug and a peck on her cheek.
Majnu glares, glowers and turns a bright purple.
Later Majnu confronts Laila and asks, “How could you?”
Perplexed Laila replies “but I just kept telling him I love SML.”
"Which means," Majnu……..prompts
“SIZZLING MAJNU LIVE” and looks seductively at Majnu.
Majnu faints.
Whew ! What a great love story!
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