Technology - Check Processing
Amar Gupta 02/03/2003
Here's a surprise for those who assume that the use of handwritten checks to pay bills has gone the way of typewriters and telegrams: The use of paper checks is still on the rise, despite the rapid growth of credit and debit cards and electronic methods for bill payment.
More than 50 billion checks are processed in the United States alone every year, according to the Federal Reserve Bank and other research and adds significant costs across the economy, even if the individuals writing the checks aren't directly aware of those added costs to business.
Various research has found that it costs from $1 to $5 to process a single check and there are on average five different transactions between the time one writes a check and one gets it back. If you and I had to pay $1-$5 per check, we'd have stopped using checks a long time ago.
Check processing involves identifying handwritten characters at a
very high speed and level of accuracy. It utilizes neural networks and a suite of character
processing algorithms. It offers high performance.
Check Processing Technology
Check processing requires developing
Intelligent Character Recognition technology for automating recognition
of handwritten numerals on bank checks.
It can be divided into three stages: preprocessing, recognition,
and postprocessing.
A typical bank check contains several components (e.g. name and
address, date, handwritten legal amount, etc.) One of the most
important components is the courtesy amount block (CAB) containing
the dollar amount of the check. For each check, a scanner generates a
pixel image of the courtesy amount block. The image then undergoes
The first step in preprocessing is segmentation. Segmentation divides
each numeral into its individual digits. Punctuation such as commas and
periods are identified based on their location, alignment, and size
within the segment image. Once these symbols are established, each
segmented digit is then passed to the recognition stage.
The next step in preprocessing normalizes each digit to a standard size
of 16x16 pixels. This is followed by a process of slant correction in
which the character is rotated to an upright, vertical position. Next, the
character is thinned and thickened. Thinning involves turning the
numeral into a bare skeleton of one pixel thickness. A good skeleton
retains the connectivity and structural features of the original pattern.
Once defined, it is thickened to a width of two pixels.
After preprocessing, each 16x16 segment is passed to a neural network
based recognizer to read the characters. The network has been trained
over a large number of feature vectors and histograms. The first layer of
the network consists of 256 input nodes, one for each element in the
16x16 matrix. Furthermore, these input nodes are connected to 40
hidden nodes that actually perform the computational recognition.
These hidden nodes are connected to 10 output nodes, each
corresponding to the digits 0-9.
Each segment is also sent through a second neural network trained with
"negative templates" of the same set of histograms as the primary
network. Following recognition, the output from the two networks are
compared and if they conflict, the courtesy amount image is
resegmented. For example, an image that the first network recognized
as a "4" is, in reality, not a "4" but falls within the acceptable
parameters for a "4". Since the result from the "negative" network would
indicate that the input image could not be a "4", the courtesy amount
image would be resegmented and processed again.
The neural network provides a high level of accuracy and to gauge its
ability to correctly identify digits, confidence measures of the
recognized digit are produced by postprocessing. Below a certain
confidence, the digit is rejected and either the entire courtesy amount
is resegmented and processed again or the user intervenes to recognize
the digit.
Amar Gupta is the Co-Director, Productivity from Information Technology (PROFIT) Initiative at the
MIT Sloan School of Management. He received his B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from I.I.T., Kanpur,
S.M. in Management from M.I.T., Cambridge and Ph.D. in Computer Science from I.I.T., Delhi. (Amar Gupta can be reached at agupta@mit.edu )
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Dr. Amar Gupta