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Nirmala Garimella 07/23/2007 Has the ethic media come of age? What is the current sate of the South Asian Art scene in the US and what kind of coverage does it get in the media? Are Desi Blogs relevant ? All these questions and more were the topics hotly debated and discussed at SAJA's annual convention at Columbia University in New York recently. Over 400 Journalists from all over the country participated in the four day convention. The event brought together professionals from newspaper, radio, TV and online media. The annual SAJA convention offers a platform for South Asian media professionals to network and discuss trends in journalism and provides a forum to advance the cause of the media professionals. Deepti Hajela, President, SAJA called it a ‘fantastic convention with amazing speakers without whom this convention would not happen".Sree Sreenivasan, Dean, Columbia school , co founder of SAJA was recently named one of the most influential Indian Americans by a national newspaper. This year the convention included keynotes, panels, workshops and salons by noted media personalities like Bill Kellar, Executive Editor, The New York Times, Martin Bashir of ABC’s Nightline, Geeta Anand of the Wall Street Journal, Suketa Mehta of ‘ Maximum City’ Fame and many others. Nearly 70 speakers from Pulitzer Prize winners to the trendy blogger offered their expertise in three days of workshops, salons, keynotes, and plenaries . ‘Breaking through the noise’ was a very entertaining and informative panel discussion about how to pitch a story in broadcast journalism, be it oversees or compelling dometic stories that will make producers sit up and take notice. Moderated by Hari Sreenivasan, the panel speakers included Bill Weir, ABC and Madhulika Sikka of NPR’s Morning Edition. Bill Weir ran a clip from two broadcasts, a eight minute segment on Madagascar Bio diversity and a Good Morning America segment with Diane Sawyer on 'Why China matters to you’. Madhilika Sikka gave tips on how the right mix of ‘Isn’t that interesting’ angle can help a producer make a decision about a story. She related her experience of the relatively unknown Eva Cassidy whose story on NPR was a success given the right resources. The two shared some tips: knowing your audience, sensibility to the program, being an informed reader and having an ‘alternative take’ helps in crafting the right pitch. When an attendee lamented that sometimes producers look for the sensational and the inconsequential , the panelists agreed that although there is a struggle, keeping a balance can be the ground rules for good broadcasting ‘Desi Bloggers find their voice’ a stimulating panel discussion integrated bloggers like Anil Dash, Vice President with Six Apart, Siddhartha Mitter, Sepia Mutiny, and reporter with WNYC, Anonymous blogger Cicatrix, Manish Vij, founder Ultra Brown recently featured on a CNN piece of the controversy surrounding Apu in the latest Simpsons saga. The highlight of the event was the gala dinner and the SAJA presentation awards. Sendhil Ramamurthy of the TV series ‘Heroes’ fame was the guest of honor .Also at this conventio the newest member of the SAJA Hall of Fame was inducted: Peter Bhatia, who has had a long and distinguished career as executive editor of ‘The Oregonian' newspaper published from Portland in Oregon State that has spanned at least three decades. The Hall of Fame recognizes veteran US journalists who helped shape coverage of South Asia, as well as pioneering South Asian journalists for their contributions to US media. The SAJA Journalism Leaders award this year went to Executive editor of the New York Times, Bill Keller. Some Blogs named at the convention South Asian diaspora South Asia-based roundups DesiPundit,IndiaUncut ,IndianEconomy,All Things Pakistan Global Voices Online For more information goto SAJA.ORG ![]() You may also access this article through our web-site http://www.lokvani.com/ |
![]() Bill Kellar,(NYT)Sree Sreenivasan,Vikas Bajaj, Deepti Hajela Desi Bloggers Food Cart at SAJA Bill Weir and Madhulika Sikka Dosa Cart at the Convention | ||
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