Ravi Kuchimanchi 08/21/2006
Little Girl On the way to the red fort I met a little girl aged six wearing her best dress only slightly ripped in her hand was a half-eaten sweet she found with joy on the dusty street "Little girl, Little girl," said I running behind her dusty pace "where is your mother, where is your father?" "Ma and dad I have none," they found me crying on the temple ground only a baby then! But Ma left me a note" She put her hand in her best dress clenched in her tender fist was her mother's crumpled note. "Little girl, little girl," said I "where are you going this august day?" "Don't you know, today India is free there is so much color so much to see Children from schools sing songs, it's so festive, Look there's the PM He is so short!" Skipping and jumping the little girl went on and on, "thank god its windy" I looked at her bare feet on the hard rocky stones "yes it cools the day" I agreed with a sympathetic nod. "No, no silly," she said "look at our country's flag It flies and flutters That's how it should be for today India is free." I looked at her with interest "show me your mother's note maybe it has her name" "no, no this note is not for you my mom wrote it for me it's only for me but you can have my sweet" And as we shared our freedom sweet, she said, "today India is free sooner or later someone will teach me how to read." I saw the flag flutter in the gentle breeze. (This poem was inspired by the development efforts of Association for India's Development. Please visit www.aidindia.org to make a tax-deductible contribution that helps support work in education, health, rural electrification, livelihoods, and human rights in various parts of India. AID is a 501(c)3 organisation and has received the highest 4-star rating by Charity Navigator. For more information contact info@aidindia.org. )
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