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Sufferings Are There, But Service Will Heal

Dr. R.Subrahmonia Ayyar

Deep down the ocean mother earth heaved
And the waters above soon bellowed and rose
In flicker of a moment, the tsunami shaped
The juggernaut moved with destruction enroute.

Islands were gone and buildings all tumbled
Things were all battered and lives too shattered
With fears stood watchers of the fury of waves
Tears flowed down with the holocaust gone.

The brunt of fury was felt on the east coast
It rounded the south coast and went on to west
Thousands were gobbled by the monster and gone
But some bodies were spewed afloat or ashore.

Aghast by the carnage and the havoc it wrought
Thousands lost all and their loved ones too
Children were orphaned with parents all dead
The harmony of homes, in smithereens, did break.

Shocked by the destruction tsunami wrought
The helpless and the hopeless stood on the shore
When arms of compassion, sympathy and love
Embraced them all and extended help.

With food, clothing, shelter, water and medicines
The samaritans swarmed in from all over the globe
Service to the suffering was their service to god
To wipe out their tears and bring out a smile.

The dead were all buried and the living were cared
Houses were built and boats all repaired
To console and comfort with solace and succour
To restart those lives with hopes for the future.

Compassion is watchword of Swamy Vivekananda
Sympathy and love in Thirukkural are enshrined
Gods do punish all those who err
But always shower blessings on these who suffer.

Technology and science might have made strides
But many are the mysteries still to be solved
Unforeseen calamities do cause wide miseries
But undaunted courage and service will win.

(Dr. R. Subrahmonia Ayyar is the Retired Dean of IIT Mumbai. He is from Nagercoil, a town close to Kanyakumari which was affected by the Tsunami. )

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