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Running Out Of Breath – The Film

Yuvan Rasiah



The documentary Running Out of Breath – The Film highlights the short- and long-term health and developmental issues of tongue-tie that doctors often miss

Up to 11% of infants are born with a condition called tongue-tie where the small band of tissue under the tongue is too short, thick, or tight, limiting the tongue’s mobility and preventing proper nasal breathing, explains Phillips Exeter Academy Senior, Mr. Yuvan Rasiah, who is the creator, writer and producer of Running Out of Breath. Rasiah was joined with his sister, Phillips Exeter Academy Sophomore, Ms. Laavanya Rasiah, as editor and director. Collaborating with the Rasiah siblings, is Billerica High School Senior, Ms. Ananya Mathur, who joined in the research and co-anchor for the interviews in the documentary.


Yuvan Rasiah has a personal interest in getting more parents and healthcare providers aware of tongue-tie, as he himself was born with tongue-tie which went undiagnosed until age 13, resulting in poor sleep, poor digestion, and difficult eating habits as a young child, as well as severe dental issues. Infants with tongue-tie may struggle with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, experience sleep apnea, have impaired oxygen delivery to the brain and boy, and develop long-term sleep issues that affect a child’s ability to learn.  “After interviewing several parents, they feel helpless and anxious when their child struggles to breathe, feed, or sleep. Family life can be disrupted by exhaustion, stress, and frustration,” Rasiah explains.


One of the reasons tongue-tie is overlooked by health professionals as a potential sleep and feeding issue is that it is not being taught in universities according to Dr. Soroush Zaghi, of the Breathe Institute (Harvard Medical School alumni), and one of 12 experts interviewed in the documentary. The goal of Running Out of Breath is to educate healthcare providers on the long-term implications of untreated tongue tie, and help parents understand both the surgical and non-surgical treatments available. Dr. Nathan Whitmore, of the MIT Media Lab, also joined the panel to share the importance of breathing for deep sleep and brain health.


“Beyond the information provided in the documentary, we’ve created a website that serves as a go-to for parents and practitioners to learn more about proper breathing and why it’s critical to the nervous system, fascia, and brain function,” Yuvan adds.


Running Out of Breath website: www.runningoutofbreath.org


Running Out of Breath Highlights: (9 minutes) https://youtu.be/IjYQLkha8js


Running Out of Breath Full-Length Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei8LP5pAc7k

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