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Know What Foods Help Reduce Heart Blockages

Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

Know What Foods Help Reduce Heart Blockages
by Dr. Indrajeet Tyagi and Dr. Iranna Hirapur

We all know that heart disease is the number one disease in the world. It is also the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Every 20 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack and one in four Americans has some form of heart disease. Every 34 seconds someone in the United States dies of heart disease.

When the heart blockages keep on growing, then one day there will be a heart attack and one has go for bypass surgery or Angioplasty (stent) procedure. However, many heart foundations are recommending their patients to go for natural bypass and detox therapy.to prevent and reverse heart diseases. Their main suggestions include: 1) Avoid non-veg foods. 2) Take out cream before using milk. 3) Avoid dry fruits and nuts. 4) Avoid oily foods. 5) Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits as Epidemiological studies have shown that diets rich in fruits, herbs and spices are associated with a low risk of cardiovascular disease.  6) Walking plus Yoga for 45 - 60 minutes every day.7) Reduce stress. 8) Continue your recommended medicines without fail. These suggestions help to control most of the causes of heart diseases and reversal of heart diseases including blockages that happen gradually. To speed up this reversal process the following herbs are recommended. Both modern medicine and Ayurveda concur that there are things you can do every day to keep your heart healthy.

1) Pomegranates: are rich in phytochemicals and they are also full of nutrients that benefit the heart, especially antioxidants that help quell inflammation. In fact, pomegranate juice contains three times the antioxidant activity of red wine or green tea. Studies suggest the juice may help lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. It also protects the inner layer of the arteries from damages and gives power of endothelium. You can either eat pomegranate fruit or drink pomegranate juice. Its seeds have lots of fiber contents.

2) Arjun Chaal (Bark): is simply the best Ayurvedic herbal remedy for heart and blood vessels health, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. It acts as prevention plus a treatment agent. It is full of tannins and glycosides. It works as antioxidant and increases blood supply. It is known to support strengthen and tones the circulatory system and help the proper function of the heart muscles and protect them from free radicals. Arjuna Chaal as a dietary supplement helps maintain healthy blood pressure within the normal range. It is also used to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and to support healthy coagulation. Arjuna Bark is traditionally used to support emotional balance for those experiencing grief and sadness. You can soak a two-inch long piece of Arjun Chaal in a glass of water in the night and drink that water without boiling in the morning.

3) Cinnamon: Cinnamon is high in fiber, calcium. potassium, magnesium, antioxidants a and also provide heart-healthy benefits, such as reducing high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. That is especially important for people with diabetes who are at greater risk for developing heart disease. Cinnamon could lower your triglycerides, your total cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and blood sugar levels, which could help, prevent heart disease. If you take supplements with at least 1.5 grams of cinnamon a day, it may lower your total cholesterol, LDL (or bad) cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar if you have metabolic disease. You can consume cinnamon tea in the form of tea that may even help weight loss and fight off infections and reduce PMS and menstrual cramps.

4) Garlic: Garlic has attracted specific attention of modern medicine because of its widespread health use in maintaining good health warding off illnesses and providing more vigor around the world. Garlic and its preparations have been widely recognized as agents for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and other metabolic diseases, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes.

The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of garlic helps reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases by increasing heart blood vessels, blood circulation, and reducing cholesterol level and cancer, stimulation of immune function, enhanced detoxification of foreign compound, and hepatoprotection. You can either chew the 1-2 cloves of garlic or drink as garlic milk or use garlic in your recipes or take them as supplements.

5) Turmeric: Turmeric especially its most active compound, curcumin has many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health and prevent Alzheimer's and cancer. It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help in reversing heat diseases. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis. Eating a small piece of raw turmeric in the night is best or drink turmeric tea or use lots of turmeric powder in your cooking.

6) Bottle gourd Juice: Bottle gourd is a water-rich vegetable strong in vitamin C, K, and calcium. It helps to maintain a healthy heart and lowers dangerous cholesterol levels. Diabetics will benefit from the juice because it helps to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It is finest eaten first thing in the morning. Bottle gourd might be a good option for losing weight as it is low in calories and contains mostly water. It is also rich in dietary fiber and contains low fat and cholesterol. These properties may help with weight management. You can add bottle gourd to your regular diet to help you manage weight. Drink bottle gourd juice with few leaves of holly basil

7) Peepal Tree Leaves or Sacred Fig leaves: The leaves of the Peepal tree might be helpful for heart diseases. The leaves are soaked in water, distilled (purified by heating), and stored. It may help with heart weakness and palpitations (feeling that the heart is racing). You can use its fresh leaves for making tea or use its dry leaves powder in your drinks

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