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Lokvani Talks To: Year In Review 2023 - Part 2


Lokvani Talks To Khanderao Khand
As a US-based non-profit organization Foundation of Indian and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) objective is to engage the South Asian diaspora in the United States to further strengthen collaboration in education, science and technology, geopolitical and economic policy, terrorism mitigation, and people-to-people engagement.Khand, founder of FIIDS talked to Lokvani about the work of FIIDS. He talked about the recent work for H1-B .

Lokvani Talks To IAGB Team
Vaishali Gade, President of IAGB and directors Asha Thotangare and Tanu Phoenix talked to Lokvani about the upcoming Senior Fair that they are holding on May 7th at the Academy of Creative Arts in Burlington, MA.

Lokvani Talks To Priya Samant
Samant created the concept of impact advising for cause and culture based cinema with a credit title for the same and this concept is gaining momentum in Indian cinema. The Kerala Story is the sixth film that she has served as impact advisor. She talked to Lokvani about The Kerala Story that is releasing this weekend in cinemas in New England.

Lokvani Talks To Angajan
Founder of the Life Mastery foundation, Vedantin and inspirational speaker Angajan will be giving discourse on the Bhagavad Gita in the Boston area June 15-22. Angajan talked to Lokvani about the importance of living a good life rather than seeking a good lifestyle.

Lokvani Talks To Mona Roy
Attorney Mona Roy from Lexington who volunteers for non profits that focus on Diversity Equity and Inclusion talked to Lokvani about the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action and its impact on Indian American college prospects.

Lokvani Talks To Neena Gulati
At the beautiful age of 80, Neena Gulati, the founder of Triveni School of Dance is presenting her 40th annual show on Sep. 23 and 24 and BU. The show is called Prakriti. Neena talks about the show and shares her secret for a long and successful dance career.

Lokvani Talks To Sanjay Sehgal
A volunteer trainer for the heartfulness movement, Sehgal talked to Lokvani about the book Spiritual Anatomy written by the current leader of the movement - Kamlesh Patel, who is referred as the Revered Daaji. It talks about a unique meditation technique that is simple and can change your life.

Lokvani Talks To Rishi Kumar
Democrat Rishi Kumar, original from Mumbai is an entrepreneur from the Bay Area who is running for congress from Silicon Valley District 16. He has had great success as a council member in Saratoga working on many things including significant reduction in burglaries.Check out his interview

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