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Know The Benefits Of Garlic

Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Know The Benefits Of Garlic
by Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Garlic (Allium Sativum Linn) is a spicy root known for clearing and flushes everything out of your body. It is an anti-aging spice and its hot nature is penetrating, removes any stagnation.  Garlic is a perennial plant growing from a bulb. Stem s erect and grows up to 3 feet tall and the hard stem above the bulb gives 6 to 10 long dark green leaves blades that are flat, linear with acute apex. The bulb is odoriferous, white in color consisting of 10 to 20 edible bulblets called cloves. The entire bulb is covered with membranous skin. Flowers are greenish white or pinkish in color. Garlic root s pungent, leaves are pungent, stalk is astringent. You can find garlic in cloves, paste, powders, supplements, extracts, and oils. However, to reap full health benefits of garlic, you should consume it in its most natural, raw state.


Even Sushruta recognized the benefits of raw garlic. According to Ayurveda our body needs sweet, salt, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent tastes and garlic s one of those rare herbs, which has five, tastes except sour. It is very effective in Kapha, and Vata balancing and Pitta increasing.

What are the characteristics and chemical constituents of garlic?

Rasa (taste) – Madhura (sweet), Lavana (salt), Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent).

Sara – Induces mobility, causes diarrhea, purgation, relieves constipation,

Veerya – Ushna – hot potency

Guna (qualities) – Snigdha (oily), Guru (heavy), Teekshna (strong, piercing).

Vipaka – Katu – Undergoes pungent state conversion after digestion.

Part used – bulb, oil


 It contains allicin, which is a compound with numerous health benefits including antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. 

What are the recommended doses of garlic?

·      Kalka – Paste 1-6g n a single or divided dose per day.

·      Swarasa (Juice extract) 5 -10 ml. once or twice per day.

·      Garlic oil – 1-2 ml in single or multiple dose per day.


What are the benefits of garlic?

In Ayurveda, garlic is seen far more as a medicine than a food. Garlic is recommended as physical strength promoting, intellect promoting and as aphrodisiac to maintain healthy state of life. Its properties like- unctuous, hot, pungent, heavy has been described to alleviates skin diseases, intra abdominal tumor, chronic rhinitis, hemicranias, epilepsy, fainting etc.

·      Clears the Respiratory System: Garlic’s hot nature is penetrating, breaking up any stagnation. This is most useful in congested kapha conditions and clears out the sinuses during spring. You may feel your nose get tingly when you eat it and notice the warmth and heat that spreads to the chest, a sign that garlic is heating and clearing the lungs. Its anti-inflammatory compounds reduce swelling in the nose, sinuses, and Eustachian tube, helping to clear all the channels of the head. Garlic even flushes your eyes and tear ducts. Circulation is promoted by garlic to warm and stimulate the system, whilst aiding with regulating blood pressure - high or low. Garlic also supports the lung function by removing congestion, allowing the airways to open and creating a free-flow of breath.

·      Supports Circulation & Immunity: Its aromatic compounds diaphoretic makes you sweat and your face becomes flushed eating raw garlic. However, it dilates blood vessels; it flushes the circulatory system, and cleanses your lymphatic system. The raw garlic also improves immunity, as your immune system lives in your blood. Garlic's heat and circulatory properties can help you "sweat out a fever". An antifungal property also counteracts candida infections and food poisoning. The key point to note in understanding how garlic works, is that it removes pathogenic bacteria without disturbing the natural flora of the gut. It also clears excess mucous from the intestines and the stools.

·      Clears the Bowels: Raw garlic clears the bowels because of its sharp pungency.

·      Strongly Aggravates Pitta:The hot, irritating nature of garlic can cause gurgling, gas, bloating and diarrhea. As the heat pushes blood upwards, you may notice a slight pressure in the frontal lobe that could erupt into a headache or make you irritable. Raw garlic can make your sweat and breathe smell like garlic.
Janntujit, Krumighna – relieves ring worm infestation, useful in infected wounds.

·      Purification of mercury: Garlic is used to eliminate mercury out of the body through chelation action.

·      Kushtaghana – useful in skin diseases. As an external application of a Lepa (paste) or oil, garlic can assist with fungal skin conditions

·      Kilasaghna – useful in spreading type of skin diseases

·      Ear infection - It can also reduce symptoms of ear infections and pain.

·      Vataghna – useful in treating disorders of Vata Dosha imbalance such as neuralgia, paralysis, constipation, bloating etc.

·      Gulmahara – useful in abdominal tumors

·      Vrushya – aphrodisiac, improve vigor

·      Medhakrut – improves intelligence

·      Svarakrut – improves voice tone and quality

·      Varnakrut – improves skin tone and quality

·      Akshikrut, Netrya, Chakshushya – improves vision, well for eyes, useful in eye disorders

·      Bhagna Ashti Sandhanakara – causes quick healing of fractured bones

·      Bruhmana – though garlic is pungent, its nutritive values are nourishing

·      Pachana – digestive, relieves Ama Dosha

·      Asrakrut – causes or worsens blood vitiated disorders

·      Keshakrut – improves hair quality and quantity

·      Hikkahara – relieves hiccups

·      Kasahara – useful in cough and cold

·      Jwarahara – useful in treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory disorders

·      Mehahara – useful in urinary tract disorder and diabetes

·      Amahara – relieves ama – a product of indigestion and altered metabolism

·      Peenasahara – useful in running nose, sinusitis

·      Shwtrahara -useful in treating leukoderma – vitiligo

·      Arshahara – useful in piles, hemorrhoids

·      Shoolahara – relieves abdominal colic pain

·      Shophahara – relieves swelling, edema, anti-inflammatory

·      Rasayana – ant-aging, causes cell and tissue rejuvenation

·      Balya – improves strength and immunity

·      Jeernajwarahara- relieves chronic fever

·      Vibandhahara – relieves constipation

·      Aruchihara – useful in relieving anorexia

·      Avarana – useful for blocking of channels, covering of channels because of its pungent qualities.


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