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Part 3 - Yoga For Diabetic Patients

Dr. Shameekumar Patil and Sunil Kumar

Yoga For Diabetic Patients

Yoga considers all aspects of diabetes namely physical, emotional and mental. Regular practice of Yoga and controlled life style reduces diabetes. Yoga helps achieve control over mind and behavior such as binge eating or drinking and motivates to change life style to reduce diabetes. Yoga plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes. Yoga Asanas affect body, internal organs, endocrine glands, brain, mind, and other factors concerning body-mind realm. Various Yoga Asanas can be practiced effectively to reduce the weight and achieve normal healthy condition of body and mind.

What are the uses of Asanas?

Yoga postures/positions are useful in reducing the fats in various parts of the body, especially forward bending, twisting, and backward bending Asana help reduce the fat near abdomen, hips, and other areas. The regular practice of Asanas improves functioning of internal organs, reproductive organs, and builds strength in muscles. Asanas can be practiced with fast speed like exercises for good effects. The practitioner can increase repetitions rather than maintaining the Asana for long time for better blood circulation to vital organs, smooth rhythmic massage to the internal organs, balance between sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system, equilibrium of mind, improve tolerance capacity, and compactness of body, and help decrease stress.

What are the best Yoga and Pranayama Asanas for controlling diabetes?

Breathing Yogas (30 Minutes)

--Right nostril breathing stimulates blood glucose

--Left nostril breathing stimulates right cerebral hemisphere, Oxygen consumption, carrying capacity

--Bistrica stimulates pancreases

--Suryanulomanavilomana stimulates pancreases

--Nadishudhi Pranayama balances hormonal regulation and nervous system

The Bhramari Pranayama lowers one's blood pressure, thus relieving hypertension. It releases cerebral tension, soothes nerves and calms mind. Hence, it is recommended as a nightly routine yoga for better sleep. It soothes the nerves.

--Inhale through both nostrils, taking a slow deep breath in. Exhale through both nostrils using the throat to make soft “eee” sounds, like the buzzing bee noise louder as you progress, but do not strain.


-- Sitkari Pranayama helps in cooling body, emotional excitation and anger. It can be used before sleeping to tranquilize the mind and help in insomnia. It helps in unblocking the flow of prana through the body. It helps in reducing blood pressure.

--Curl tongue touching the roof of the mouth as far as you can to the soft pallet. As you inhale, clench the teeth together and slightly part the lips making a hissing “ssss” sound. Exhale through both nostrils. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

--Shital Pranayama purifies your blood and rejuvenates your body by removing the excess heat in the body, reducing anxiety, fear, and depression. It also cures ulcers, constipation, and acidity, and high blood pressure, indigestion and skin diseases.

--Roll the tongue into a tube (as best as you can and stick the tip of the tongue out od the mouth. Inhale through the tongue and hold the breath in for 4-5 seconds with the chin pressed against the chest. Exhale using ujjayi pranayama through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times.


-- Bhastrika Pranayama help to manage anxiety and help to relax the body and mind. It may improve the lung and heart functions. It reduce blood pressure and improve heart health and blood circulation. Practicing Bhastrika pranayama may also decrease blood sugar levels and manage weight.

--Keep the body, neck, and head erect. Close the mouth, inhale, and exhale quickly ten times like the bellows of the blacksmith. Constantly dilate and contract and a hissing sound is produced. Start rapid expulsions of breath following one another in rapid succession.

Meditation helps

--Relax body and mind

--Reduce blood lactate level, blood sugar level

--Develop deep internal awareness

--Overcome stressful situation since t produces EEG – alpha wave pattern in brain

--Rejuvenate your body and mind

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