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Part 2 - Yoga For Your Vibrant Heart - An Ayurvedic Guide

Dr. Shameekumar Patil and Sunil Kumar

Part 2 - Yoga For Your Vibrant Heart - An Ayurvedic Guide
by Dr. Shameekumar Patil and Sunil Kumar

Our heart is one of the primary organs responsible for maintaining and regulating blood, oxygen and nutrients circulation in every part of the body. Despite its crucial functions, our cardiovascular system is exposed to a lot of physiological stress. From risks of plaque deposition (atherosclerosis) to degenerative heart diseases, many complications affect heart health. Recent studies indicating that heart attacks and strokes are rising in individuals under the age of 40 due to poor lifestyle choices.


Yoga plays a crucial role in maintaining not only one’s physical health but also preventing the cardiovascular complications. From boosting blood circulation to optimizing cholesterol levels, yoga is quite effective for heart health. It is not just, the physical exercises that raise heart rates can help prevent and manage heart disease; even the calming exercises of Yoga are good for heart as well. “Many studies have shown that Yoga benefits many aspects of cardiovascular health and number of cardiologists and other professions recognizing these benefits are real,” says Hugh Calkins, M.D., director of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at Johns Hopkins.

Yoga is a mind-body activity that involves moving through a series of body poses and breathing exercises that emphasize toning, strength training or meditation that can improve strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation.


How does Yoga improve and optimize heart health?

Practicing yoga combats the impacts poor diet, excessive stress, ill habits, and unhealthy lifestyle and allows individuals to lead a long and fulfilling life, especially that s devoid of chronic complications. An active lifestyle is crucial to maintaining both physical and physiological functions and in maintaining one’s heart health too. The most profound ways yoga can improve heart health are: 1) Breathing-based Yoga reduces and combats stress. 2) Yoga regulates cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar, which reduces the risks of heart disease. 3) Strengthens heart muscles for better heart function. 4) Help in burning excess calories. 5) Improve sleep quality, which keeps cardiovascular functions in check.

You can also consider these additional Yogasanas for Heart Health: Utthita Trikonasana or Extended triangle pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half spinal twist pose, Gomukhasana or Cow face pose, Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose.


Ayurveda uses a holistic and integrated approach to caring for the heart through preventative tools such as diet, Yoga, meditation, and pranayama that illuminate a wide range of physical and energetic influences that affect the heart, and encourage us to consider the realms of the mind, consciousness, and other subtle energies that are intimately linked to heart health.


Here are the top 11 Yoga Asanas to improve heart health.



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