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Psoriasis Treatment In Ayurveda And Homeopathy

Geetha Patil and Dr. Kirankumar Rathod

Psoriasis Treatment In Ayurveda And Homeopathy
by Geetha Patil and Dr. Kirankumar Rathod

Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic (immune-mediated inflammatory condition) skin disorder that causes inflammation, redness and itchy scaling on the skin. The scales are usually silvery in appearance and can turn into red patches that are thick. When the immune system attacks the skin cells, it causes the symptoms of psoriasis starting with appearance of rashes. They can crack open and start bleeding. The symptoms can come on and off. Certain factors like stress, physical injuries, and medications for hypertension, infections, diet, cold weather, and alcohol abuse can trigger the symptoms of psoriasis. Males are being affected by psoriasis two times more than females. Various sites of the body such as scalp, face, trunk, limbs, palms, and soles involve in psoriasis where skin cells build up and form raised plaques and scales on the skin. It can start at any age including childhood, with peaks of onset at 15-25 years and 50-60 years. It tends to persist lifelong, fluctuating in extent and severity. Psoriasis affects more than 3% of the US adult population. That is more than 7.5 million US adults. The prevalence of psoriasis in adults varies from 0.44 to 2.8%, with a much lower prevalence in children. There is no cure for this autoimmune condition. However, there are methods that focus on managing the symptoms to help provide relief and to help prevent worsening of symptoms.

One more complication with psoriasis is a condition known as psoriatic arthritis. A third of those who have psoriasis usually suffer from this condition because the immune system attacks the skin cells and the joints and causes joint pain, swelling in the joints, or back pain. Apart from inflammation and pain in the joints, it can also cause severe exhaustion. It usually occurs in the fingers and toes and may spread to other areas. If not treated, it can lead to serious damage to the joints.

What are the causes of psoriasis?

According to Ayurveda, skin disorder like psoriasis occurs due to two reasons. 1) Imbalance in Vata Dosha, 2) Imbalance in Kapha Dosha. Vata Dosha causes scaling of the skin redness and inflammation and joint pain. Kapha Dosha causes itching and discharges from the skin. The other reason for this condition is the accumulation of toxins in the body including in the blood and skin. These toxins affect the tissues in the body leading to this condition.

What are the Types of psoriasis?

Plaque psoriasis - raised, inflamed, red skin covered with silvery, white scales (elbows, scalp, knee lower back)

Guttate psoriasis - small, pink-red  or purple spots on your skin (trunk, upper arm, thighs, scalp)

Inverse psoriasis - are bright red, smooth, and shiny, but don't have scales and gets worst with sweating and rubbing(armpits, groin, under the breasts, and skin folds around genitals and buttocks)

Pustular psoriasis- pus-filled bumps (pustules) surrounded by red or purplish skin (hands and feet)

Erythrodermic psoriasis – least common, very serious, affects most of your body and causes widespread, fiery skin that appears to be burned.

Nail psoriasis- more common in people who have psoriatic arthritis, which affects your joints.

Psoriatic arthritis - is a condition where you have both psoriasis and arthritis  (joint inflammation)


What is the difference between Psoriasis vs. Para-psoriasis?

Para-psoriasis is the term for a group of rare skin problems that look like psoriasis but behave differently. Like psoriasis, Para-psoriasis shows up as a patchy pink or red rash, brown, or yellowish with raised and bumpy and a scaly or wrinkly appearance. They appear on your chest, stomach, back, arms and legs. They are generally round or oval with different sizes and may have itching, or may not have any other symptoms. There are two kinds of Para-psoriasis: 1) Small-plaque -these rashes are less than 5 centimeters (about 2 inches), harmless and do not need any treatment. 2) Large-plaque -these rashes are bigger and irregular in shape like lymphoma called mycosis fungoides, a cancer of the white blood cells that starts in the skin and needs topical corticosteroids treatment. 

What are the best Ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis?

Ayurveda’s holistic treatment uses different approaches depending on the symptoms and the constitution of the patient such as (A) Use of herbal medicines for removal of toxins, and maintenance of the energy balance. 1) Triphala is one of the popular herbs in Ayurveda that can help reduce toxins and help rebalance the body. 2) Turmeric is one of the most powerful and helpful Ayurvedic herbs that are antibacterial, antifungal, and can help cleanse the blood. 3) Guggulu is an Ayurvedic supplement that helps to reduce inflammation. 4) Ashwagandha, Amalaki, and Shatavari are other popular herbal medicines used to help manage psoriasis.

(B) Strict diet designed keeping the following things in mind:1) Eat cooked food and avoiding raw or cold food. 2) Sugary foods should be avoided except fruits. 3) Avoid improper food combinations that could worsen the symptoms of psoriasis (like fish and milk products). 4) Buttermilk is recommended to help reduce heat and help manage inflammation. 5) A low-carb diet is helpful for psoriasis patients.

(C) Lifestyle Changes needed for scalp or any type of psoriasis: 1) Regular exercise is recommended. Yoga can be helpful especially for psoriatic arthritis treatment in Ayurveda. 2) Meditation is recommended to help manage stress since stress can worsen symptoms. Breathing exercises of Pranayama can be very helpful. 3) A good night’s sleep is essential to help rejuvenate the body. 4) Following a proper routine of getting up early, going to bed early, eating meals on time, avoiding unnecessary eating, and being physically active is necessary.

(D) Panchakarma is one of the most powerful and helpful Ayurvedic therapies used to help reduce toxins from the body, help rebalance energies, and help rejuvenate the body. 1) Medicated ghee is given to help balance Doshas. 2) Enema and purgation are used to help reduce toxins from the body (Vamana and Virechana). 3) Shirodhara massage is beneficial for the scalp and facial regions. 4) Abhyanga body massage helps reduce toxins and helps rebalance the body.

What are the best Homeopathic remedies for psoriasis?

1) ARS-IOD is used for psoriasis with marked exfoliation of skin in large scales leaving an exudating surface beneath with intense burning and itching.

2) Borax is recommended for psoriasis on hands and face and there is furfuraceous peeling of epidermis.

3) Psorinum is best for psoriatic eruptions on nape of the neck, scalp, folds of the skin, and groins.

4)Sulphur is used for eruptions break out on almost any part of the body having itching at night.

5)NIT, ACID is best for multiple psoriasis eruptions with zig-zag and irregular margin like raw flesh.

6) Kalium arsenicosum is recommended for intolerable itching, dry, scaly and wilted psoriasis in bend of arms and knees.

7) Hydrocotyle asiatica is given to treat psoriasis erupted on trunks, extremities, palms, and soles with scaly edges,

8) Mezereum is best for scurf like scales on the back, chest, scalp, and thighs.

9) Petroleum is used to treat psoriasis on palms, and fingertips. Severe itching at night

10) Chrysarobinum is used to treat psoriasis erupted especially around eyes and ears.

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