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Laugh A While


What kind of car does Yoda drive around in? A Toyoda

What did the jack say to the car on the side of the road? Can I give you a lift?

What do you use to count cows? With a cowculator.

A while back, I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke.

What name do you call a thieving alligator? A crookodile

A computer beat me at chess the other day. But it was no match for me at kickboxing.

Why did the coffee complete a police report? It got mugged.

Why did the math booklet look so sad? Because of all of its problems!

What do you call a Ford Fiesta when it runs out of gas? A Ford siesta

Don’t you just hate it when someone answers their own questions? I do.

Where do fish like to keep their money? In a river bank

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