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Know The Right Ways To Eat Yogurt/Curd

Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil

Know The Right Ways To Eat Yogurt/Curd
by Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil 

According to Charaka- Samhita, one should maintain good health as far as possible than to be submitted to disease s and to suffer thereafter. He further said that if you do not know how to use yogurt/curd it is better not to consume it. If you want to eat yogurt/curd then you should know the concept of how to or right ways to consume it. Because wrong way of consuming yogurt/curd can cause side effects such as constipation, skin issues, Eczema, Psoriasis, dandruff, Harpies, anemia to anyone. It can also cause bleeding, nose bleeding, piles, heavy menstrual bleeding and even liver problem can occur. If used wisely, yogurt/curd can be an excellent food. So we should know how much, when, and how to eat yogurt/yogurt/curd. Let us discuss about its qualities, benefits, the right ways, the right time and the right seasons, and the reasons for avoiding mixing certain items, time, the season, and prevent its side effects by consuming yogurt/curd in the right ways.


What is the myth about yogurt/yogurt/curd?

The main myth about yogurt/curd is that it cools our body. That is why people prefer to use yogurt/curd in the summer time. However, according to Ayurveda yogurt/curd heats up your body. That is why people in the colder regions of the word tend to have the culture of eating yogurt/curd because they want have more heat in their bodies during the long winter periods.


Then according to Ayurveda, what are the seasons, one should avoid using yogurt/yogurt/curd?

Consuming yogurt/curd becomes harmful during Grishma Ritu/summer (mid-May to mid-July), Sharad Ritu/autumn (mid-September to mid-October) and Vasant Ritu/spring (mid-March to mid-April) season when there is shift is climate/season due to its ‘Abhishyanda’ property and ‘Amla Rasa’ it could precipitate ill health.. Use yogurt/curd in relatively cool seasons such as Varsha Ritu/raining season (June to September), Hemant Ritu/Pre-Winter (mid-October to mid-December) and Shishir Ritu/winter season (mid-December to mid-March). Avoid eating yogurt/curd on wet days, as there is lots of moisture


What are the qualities of yogurt/yogurt/curd?

According to Ayurveda, yogurt/curd has both Amla rasa (sour taste) and sweet properties. It becomes Amla paka (converts to sour syrup) after digestion. It is heavy to digest and hot in potency.


Why is Yogurt/curd called a Superfood and acts as Probiotic?


Yogurt/curd contains probiotics and supplies healthy bacteria to fortify the tract's natural flora, helping digestion and boosting the body's immune response by getting rid of toxins. It is low in carbs and high in proteins, which facilitates to lose your weight.


It is rich in calcium, prosperous, amino acids, Kaam Vardhak and Bala Vardhak


What is the best yogurt/yogurt/curd?

Best yogurt/curd is made of cow milk; sweet is taste and not kept in the refrigerator. Do not throw the water on the yogurt/yogurt/curd. Those who want to increase weight can consume yogurt/curd with Shakkar/Mishri whereas those who want to lose weight eat it in less quantity.


What are the benefits of eating yogurt/yogurt/curd?

It increase taste and appetite. It balances vata, increases fat, Shukra (semen), Bala (strength), Kapha (mucus), Agni (digestion strength), and Brumhana (nourishment). It stops Atisara (diarrhea (recommended eating rice with yogurt/yogurt/curd)), imparts oiliness in the body.


Eating yogurt/curd is suggested for those who have fever with cold, dysuria (difficulty to pass urine), and emaciation (abnormally thin or weak).


What are the types of yogurt/curd and their side effects if eaten in the wrong ways?

Yogurt/curd is an animal product and it has living bacteria. Therefore, it needs to be used in the right ways. More than 90% of people do not know the right ways of consuming yogurt/yogurt/curd. So, many suffer from gas, hair fall, acidity cough, sinus, and fever.

1.     If eaten in excess semi formed or thick yogurt/curd increases the production of urine and feces, and tridoshas and causes burning sensation.

2.     Sweet-Sour yogurt/curd in taste increases appetite and increases piita, kapha, and blood disorders.

3.     Sour yogurt/curd increases pitta, kapha and blood disorders.

4.     Excessively sour yogurt/curd produces tingling sensation in teeth and burning sensation in throat, promotes appetite and increases vata, pitta and disorders of blood.


Note: Only sweet and thick yogurt/curd is an aphrodisiac that increases fat and kapha whereas mitigates Vata and is good for bleeding disorders.


What are the wrong ways or mistakes to avoid while eating yogurt/yogurt/curd?


·      Do not add table salt or table sugar to your yogurt/curd because they decrease the quality of its probiotic and nutritional value. Replace table salt and table sugar with Shenda/Black salt or Shakkar/Mishri because they increase not only taste but also maintain the nutritional value.


Yogurt/curd with Shenda/Black salt is good for those who are having acidity, bleeding, body heat, and hair fall whereas yogurt/curd with Shakkar/Mishri is good for those who are suffering from gas, body pains and indigestion.


·      Ayurveda does not recommend yogurt/curd consumption at night that is after sun set because at nighttime temperature goes down and there will be increases Kapha dosha in the body. This imbalance can lead to excess mucus development in the nasal passages, fever, or sinus. If you feel like eating yogurt/curd, then you can have buttermilk because its properties are different. You can add Shenda salt and Black pepper powder to it. This is the best replacement of eating yogurt/curd at night.


·      Yogurt/curd has live bacteria so pay attention to its combination with other items because it might have harmful effects.  For example, Cucumber or Boondi Raita: both are opposite foods (Viruddha Ahaar) that create abnormal digestion and leads to building up of toxic by-product.


As Boondi is deep-fried in oil and combing it with yogurt/curd can make you put one weight.

Note: You can make Dudi/Lauki Raita that is tasty, easy to digest, and healthy.


·      Avoid heating yogurt/curd while making recipes or marinating vegetable or meat. Yogurt/curd can make excellent gravy but it can cause health issues. When you heat yogurt/curd, bacteria die and loses its nutrition value. Its heat potency becomes amplified and hard to digest easily. Its chemical bonds break and create allergies.


·      Do not mix/eat yogurt/curd with milk, fish, Sour fruits, Banana, eggs, Brinjal/eggplants.


·      Do not use just yogurt/curd only. Ayurveda has suggested certain combinations for yogurt/curd, which make it free from its ill effects. So, mix it with some Amla powder (Indian Gooseberry) or eat some Amla after eating yogurt/curd, or with honey, or Ghee to reap its health benefits and best effect on your body. That way it is nor heavy to your body and help you in digestion. Do not add honey and Ghee in the same proportion in your yogurt/curd. Add either honey or Ghee. Another way to consume yogurt/curd is to eat it with Moong beans soup, Dal, or Khichdi. .Such combinations give nourishment to your body, improve immunity, produce anti-oxidants. 


·      Do not consume yogurt/curd if you have pimples, acne, or rashes. Eat in little quantity only sweet yogurt/curd after stirring it for quite some time so that it can become cold in nature.


·      Avoid consumption of yogurt/curd on a daily basis if you have joint pain/arthritis. If at all, you want to eat yogurt/curd then mix it with ginger powder.


·      Do not eat yogurt/curd everyday but eating it 2-3 times in a week is acceptable. It should be eaten like a seasonal food.


·      Do not eat yogurt/curd products that are sold as probiotic. They have lots of sugar and make you gain weight. Eat a small bowl of homemade yogurt/curd with Shakkar/Mishri in the morning before your breakfast. Eat only two-three times in a week. Do not eat any probiotic tablets.


·      Eating yogurt/curd is harmful in diseases caused by the vitiation of blood, Pitta and Kapha.

It is also best to avoid yogurt/curd in people with obesity, kapha disorders, bleeding disorders, and inflammatory conditions. Many skin diseases are due to increased body heat.


If one does not follow these rules, he is likely to suffer from the diseases like fever, Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Visarpa (Erysipelas, Kushta (skin diseases), Pandu (Anemia), Bhrama (dizziness), and Kamala (Jaundice).

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