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HUA Launches ‘Ahimsa And The Art Of Nonviolent Communication’

Press Release

HUA Launches ‘Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication’

Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu and Miss Mansi Sharma will teach nonviolent communication and its significance as a 21st century skill.


Hindu University of America continues to add relevant and innovative offerings to its course catalog. Beginning on July 22nd, Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication is a course designed to introduce participants to the Gandhian approach to nonviolent communication as a skill to be nurtured for a culture of peace. In the backdrop of instances of aggressive or toxic communication, integrating strategies of nonviolent (Ahimsa) communication not only can help us to find inner peace, but also promote a healthy communication ecosystem whether in our families, institutions or the society at large. The overarching goal of the course is to develop an expansive understanding of nonviolent communication and its applications.


Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu has conducted extensive workshops on different dimensions of nonviolent communication and is working to develop an Indian model of nonviolent communication based on Hindu texts, scriptures, and itihasas. Miss Mansi Sharma is a mediator and lawyer who is doing research integrating nonviolent communication in the mediation process. She teaches in the Gandhian studies department of Punjab University.


“I am excited to see the Ahimsa course being offered by HUA, this summer after our initial conversations, based on Gandhi Ji's message of non violence.'' said Kumu Gupta, Secretary General Global Peace Secretariat.


HUA is offering a free webinar on July 16th at 9am PT / 9:30pm IST for those interested in getting a background on Ahimsa, nonviolent communication, and learning about the course. Individuals can register for the webinar here:


register for the course here:


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