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Laugh A While


1. How come there aren’t any knock-knock jokes about America?

Because freedom rings.

2. What kind of tea did the American colonists want?


3. What’s the difference between a duck and George Washington?

One has a bill on his face, and the other has his face on a bill.

4. What did the colonists wear to the Boston Tea Party?


5. What was George Washington’s favorite tree?

The infantry.

6. What would you get if you crossed George Washington with cattle feed?

The Fodder of Our Country!

7. What was the most popular dance in 1776?


8. What does the Statue of Liberty stand for?

It can’t sit down.

10. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks?


11. What ghost haunted King George III?

The spirit of ’76

Jokes Credit -  R Digest!

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